This year marks the 20 year reunion for the Joplin High School, class of 1991 . We were all set to celebrate this milestone in our lives. Planning was underway and dates were being set for a day of golfing and a night of getting together. We would be dancing and catching up, swapping stories of the last 20 years. In the blink of an eye, our hometown was devastated by an EF5 tornado. At that moment our class went into action. We decided there was only one thing we could do. We had to help rebuild our hometown, Joplin, Missouri.
Instead of the normal reunion we had been planning, the class of 1991 have decided to donate our reunion time to charity organizations to help with the rebuilding of Joplin. We have also chosen to raise money for 2 charities. If you would like to help, or have any questions please send an e-mail to We know this community and we realize that the class of 1991 aren't the only alumni that are looking for a way to help. In light of that, we would like to encourage all alumni to join us. We all love Joplin and feel the same sense of attachment to the people and community. Please help us in this great endeavor and remember that every little bit helps. ~ Joplin High School, Class of '91